Thursday, February 17, 2011

Java au lait, por favor?

A thunk hit me this morning when I realised that Java is slowly entrenching itself into a lot of things we do at SensePost. Now, the lads have been known to churn out little snippets of brilliance over the years - you know - Wikto, Suru, reDuh etc - and lately the conversion of these tools to Java.

Apart from Yeti, we have jCertChecker (SSL miner) as well as J-Baah (the Java port of the Crowbar http fuzzer) and reDuh. Incidentally, the writer of J-Baah, Mr Ian de Villiers, has been confirmed as a trainer on the SensePost HBN - Combat Edition, at
Black Hat Barcelona. It's a tough course, but it's worth it.

And last, but not least, ./w just pumped me in the ribs to say the Java port of Scully, an MSSQL/MySQL client interface, should be out in the week.

So, as you can see, lots of cross platform love. :-)

Enjoy, and play nice.

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